Mission Statement

To provide relevant and valuable revision learning experiences that are specific to each students’ need, to help them in their academic journey and to pursue their life goals.

Course Updates

In order to keep our courses up to date we have always modified our products to reflect customer needs, adapt to syllabus changes, and to reflect best educational practice.

We have been delivering revision course since 1997, adapting as we go along. Below are bullet points of significant changes we have instituted in recent years.

  • Providing online course during the pandemic – we have continued to offer online courses ever since.
  • Providing online resources – exam papers and mark scheme are now accessible online – see www.oxss.co.uk/student-portal.
  • Offering guaranteed one-to-one tuition.
  • Enhanced entertainment program – almost all student entertainment is now onsite for our residential courses. This is popular with the students and makes risk assessment and safeguarding easier.
  • Highly focused study skills program – as schools have, in recent years, provided more assistance with study skills we have refined our program to focus on specific areas rather than just generic study skills.
  • Collection of student feedback after each course – where problem areas are noted we have changed the course or delivery accordingly.
  • Tutorial observations are used to collect best practice (see: www.oxss.co.uk/blogs/best-practice-for-tutors/) or modify tutor behaviour if necessary (this can be simple things like tutors failing to introduce themselves in the first tutorial).
  • Dedicated staff for tutor recruitment.

Updated 16th Jan 2025