GCSE Spanish

Top tip from one of our experienced Spanish tutors:

For all papers, knowing your verb endings and especially accents on the verb endings will really help. Examiners can remove marks if a missed accent creates a different word – so be really clear with them! Note how patterns often repeat in Spanish verb endings, e.g. always end in -mos for “we” or in an –n for “they”, and use this to your advantage.

For more top tips, please read our blog on how best to revise for Spanish.

Please select your exam board from the list below:

Syllabus – Spanish:


Exam Papers – Spanish:


Mark Schemes – Spanish:





Exam board website – Spanish:


Last updated: 6/4/2023 at 21:46 for Z23

Syllabus – Spanish:


Exam Papers – Spanish:




Mark Schemes – Spanish:




Exam board website – Spanish:


Last updated: 3/4/2023 at 21:14 for Z23

Syllabus – Spanish:


Exam Papers – Spanish:





Mark Schemes – Spanish:


Exam board website – Spanish: